Field Notes

You got your sleep system all figured out and now you're ready to hit the trail. What's the best way to transport it all? And, once you're done, how do you store it?
From storage on the trail to at home, we look at some top recommendations to extend the lifespan of your bag.

You need a pillow. Yes, that's right. I said it. You. Need. A. Pillow. We generally don't recommend you bring the pillows off your bed out there with you, but you definitely need something under your head to keep yourself sleeping well and cozy. Let's take a look at 5 types of pillow options and see what's right for you.

Sleeping bag liners are probably the most overlooked and least talked about part of a sleep system. And definitely the most underrated. You can think of a sleeping bag liner as a lightweight thin sheet in the shape of your sleeping bag. In fact, sleeping bag liners serve the same purpose as sheets. And, while top sheets are on their way out, we think sleeping bag liners never go out of style.

When I was young and carefree I thought sleeping mats were for old people. Now (that I'm old people), I understand they're a necessity. Not only do sleeping mats add a little cushion for comfort--they also add insulation against the cold ground. Different mats have different r-values (energy efficiency ratings), so pay attention when shopping!